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Candidate Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice for Candidates Integrated Management System (IMS)

Policy Owner:       Craig Hatto, Hatto Limited

Review:                   Last review date: 05 October 2020

Document:            PD06


1.      What is a privacy notice?

We want to ensure you understand and are aware of our recruitment process, what information we collect about you, how we will use it, and its purpose. We are also required by data protection legislation to explain certain matters to you.

2.      What information about you will we collect and use?

As part of the application process for an advertised vacancy or as part of a speculative application with the Company, we will collect, store and process personal information about you. This personal information may include your:

● name, date of birth, address, contact details;

● eligibility to work in the role location:

● academic record and qualifications;

● recruitment and employment history, including information about your skills, experience and previous

    salary details; and

● any other information you have provided to us voluntarily.

    We may also collect, store and process the following "special categories" of more sensitive personal 

    information that you voluntarily make available to us:

● information about your health (to understand whether or not you have a disability for which

    the organisation needs to make reasonable adjustments during the recruitment process); and

● criminal record information (to allow us to carry out appropriate criminal record checks). We

    obtain this information either directly from you or sometimes from third parties such as employment

    agencies, your former employer(s) and background check agencies.

3.      How and why will we use your personal information?

As you will appreciate, we need to use your personal information to process your application and determine your suitability for the role. We also need to ensure that we comply with our legal obligations regarding your right to work in the UK and any other regulatory requirements. In most cases, the legal basis for processing the data will ensure that we comply with our legal obligations or where we need to further the Company’s legitimate business interests. The situations in which we will commonly use your personal information include:

● to make informed recruitment decisions;

● to follow our vetting processes;

● to take steps to enter into a contract. The principle guides us that you should not be surprised by any use we make of your personal information.

4.      What happens if you do not provide personal information?

You are required by law to provide certain personal information to us, for example, to verify your right to work in the UK when we offer you employment. If you fail to provide certain personal information when requested, Hatto may be prevented from complying with our legal obligations and therefore unable to continue with your application.

5.      Consent

If your application is unsuccessful or there is no suitable vacancy available, the Company will keep your personal data on file if there are future employment opportunities with the Company that may be suitable. The organisation will ask for your consent before it keeps your data for this purpose, whereon you are free to withdraw your consent at any time.

6.      Who else might your personal information be shared with?

Following our decision to offer you a contract of employment, we may share your information with previous employers or named individuals as part of a reference request process. Some of our supporting systems are located outside the European Economic Area (EEA); therefore, your personal data may be stored and processed in countries that may have different data protection rules to our own. However, the Company will only transfer your personal information outside the EEA where appropriate safeguards have been put. If you would like to know more about this, see the contact details at the bottom of this notice.

7.      For how long will your personal information be kept?

If your employment application is successful, you will be sent a new privacy notice for employees. Information gathered during the recruitment process will be transferred. Following an unsuccessful application for employment, your personal data will be retained for up to 2 years from the recruitment campaign's close. This will enable us to deal with any potential or actual disputes or investigations relating to the recruitment exercise and to consider you for any other suitable opportunities that may arise.

8.      How will your personal information be kept safe?

We take the security of your personal information very seriously and we have put in place internal controls and security measures to protect it. Access to your personal information is restricted to those employees, workers and agents who strictly need it as part of the recruitment process. We also have cybersecurity measures in place. We take steps to ensure that third parties who have access to your personal data only process it on our instructions and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. We have put in place appropriate procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach.

9.      What are your rights concerning your personal information?

You have certain rights concerning your personal data, as summarised here:

● Right to be informed – you have the right to be provided with clear, transparent, and easily

   understandable information about how we use your personal data and your rights; this is why we are providing you with this privacy notice;

● Right of access – you can request access to your personal data;

● Correcting or erasing your information – where we hold information about you that is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to ask us to rectify or complete it;

● Right to restrict processing – you have the right to restrict some processing of your personal

    information, which means that you can ask us to limit what we do with it;

● Right to object to processing – you can object to us processing your personal information in certain

    circumstances, including where we are using it for the Company’s legitimate business

    interests as set out within this policy;

● Right to complain – you can submit a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office about any matter concerning your personal information, using the details below. However, we take

    our obligations seriously, so if you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to raise

    them with us first, so that we can try to resolve them.

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe house

Water Lane





Tel 0303 123 1113

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the details below.

10.    Questions?

For more details or any questions about anything in this privacy notice, please contact HR Recruitment on


Our general contact details can be found here.

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